一些放在 GitHub 上、OpenNI 相關的開放原始碼專案。
There are some open-source OpenNI-related projects on GitHub.
Virtual device for OpenNI 2
OpenNI 2 用的虛擬裝置模組,可以讓使用者自行填入深度、彩色影像。
- 建立一個 OpenNI 用的裝置、然後透其他硬體的 SDK 來讀取資料
- 修改感應器的原始資料、讓 OpenNI 和 middleware 使用修改過的資料作處理
This is a virtual device module for OpenNI 2, which accept user feed any depth, color images.
With the virtual device, you can:
- create a device in OpenNI, to get the data from sensor with their own SDK
- modify the raw data from sensor, let middleware libraries use modified data
See more detail here (In Chinese)
一個小工具,用來修正錄製出來 ONI 檔案沒有 NiTE 需要的屬性的問題。
oniFixer is a small program to fix the ONI file that don’t have required properties for NiTE.
See more detail here (In Chinese)