vimL VR Viewer(vvViewer)是一套由 vimL 以既有的 Engine 3D 為基礎,整合 OpenVR 與 Qt 所開發的一套虛擬實境的 Volume data 顯示軟體。
這套軟體可以匯入 MiiL 處理好的資料,讓使用者在虛擬實境的環境中,以 View-aligned Texture-based Volume Rendering 的方式,檢視多組資料。同時,使用者也可以透過圖形介面,控制各組資料的顯示與否,並透過切平面來觀察資料的內部。

- 多組容積資料同時顯示、並於桌面/VR 環境各自設定切平面
- 支援動態容積資料即時讀取與顯示
- 支援資料看板、用以顯示輔助資訊
vimL VR Viewer (vvViewer) is a visualization software for volume data. It is based on our self-developed Engine 3D and Open VR and Qt.
With view-aligned texture-based volume rendering technique, user can view multiple volumetric datasets, which had processed in MiiL, in VR environment. Also, user can manipulate the display of image datasets with GUI in VR and observe volume data through cropping plane.
Comparing to traditional methods of visualization and interaction, users can observe things they are looking for quickly and intuitively in VR environment.
More functions are on their way.