Remote Interactive Viewer(RIV)是一個基於網頁的互動式遠端顯示技術,所有計算由遠端的伺服器處理;他透過 HTML5 WebSocket 進行溝通、使用 JPEG 傳遞視覺化結果。用戶端僅需支援 HTML5 的瀏覽器 不需要特殊的硬體、軟體,即可觀看複雜的視覺化成果。

與 Virtual Object Viewer 採用「預先繪製」的形式不同,RIV 可以即時地提供更完整的互動操作。

目前 RIV 技術已用於 iFlyOver 的預覽功能上。
English Description
This is an real-time interactive remote visualize system based on HTML5 WebSocket.
- Client side
- A web client to control and display remote visualization result.
- Communicate with server by WebSocket to reduce network transfer.
- Written in standard HTML5, no plug-in or extension required.
- Can run on modern browsers, on PC, Smartphone, and tablet.
- IE10+, Chrome, FireFox, Safari
- Server side
- Provide Volume rendering and LOD GIS visualization.
- The visualize server using WebSocket protocol, accept camera and other visualization parameters from client side, send real-time render result in compressed JPEG to client.
- Written in standard C++ and OpenGL, can build and run on Windows and Linux.
- Real-time off-screen render, and compress to JPEG in memory
- Can adjust the image resolution, JPEG quality to control the bandwidth usage.
- Server can provided for multiple user, depends on render speed. Server will keep the data for each user, so every user could has his own visualization parameters.